//CESSI SPACE WEATHER BULLETIN//22 JULY 2024//SUMMARY: NOMINAL SPACE WEATHER CONDITIONS WITH CHANCES OF ESCALATION// Multiple active regions have been flagged as flare productive by the CESSI ML/AI algorithm. Our analysis indicates a moderate to high chance of flare induced ionospheric perturbations in the coming days. SOHO LASCO observed a halo CME on 21 July 2024 at 16:48 UT. Our DBM estimates suggest a direct hit at Earth on 24 July 2024. Moderate geomagnetic perturbations are expected. A few filaments (twisted magnetic ropes appearing as dark structures in the GONG H-Alpha image) can also be observed on the solar disc. Filament eruption-induced coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are also a possibility in the near future. Current near Earth space environment is nominal.